Sunday, April 1, 2007

Play Yard

it has been 3 mths since i rented a toy for yu chen. yesterday, i managed to rent a play yard and a toy piano from for him and 2 computer games for yu en(in case she feels that i am unfair). yp kept saying that i am wasting money. but in fact i am trying to save money as kids will get tired of playing the same toy very easily and the rental fee for the play yard is only $20 per month. moreover, the play yard will come in handy as i do not have to look out for yu chen now that he is crawling everywhere. proved that i was right. this morning i finally had the chance to enjoy my breakfast and take my time in reading my newspaper as yu chen played with his jie jie in the yard. even yu en likes to play in it, she pretended that it is her mini garden. considering whether to get one for him. the only thing is it occupies lot of space, making the sitting room a bit cramp.

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About Me

A FTWM with 2 wonderful kids and a loving husband